Jaa, Igår var det riktigt trevligt! Lagade chokladmousse och grädde, med en liten chokladbit på en träpinne och strimlad choklad som dekoration, jätte gott!
Hi there, I see you're haven't been posting on the blog. Would you mind giving the username to me or are you planning to start again? :) It would be very kind of you, I've been looking for a good blog name the whole day. Please let me know on my blog unedandizette.blogspot.com, okay?
Det var det; himmelskt trevligt och riktigt gott ;-)
SvaraRaderaLåter bra att ni skämmer bort varann :)
SvaraRaderaHi there,
SvaraRaderaI see you're haven't been posting on the blog. Would you mind giving the username to me or are you planning to start again? :) It would be very kind of you, I've been looking for a good blog name the whole day. Please let me know on my blog unedandizette.blogspot.com, okay?